Sunday, November 13, 2011

not a crutch

I dreamed I got shot last night. (Perhaps one should not watch a graphic documentary on the Vietnam conflict immediately before bed.) I laid there completely weak and unable to move. All I could say was, "I've been hit." (Oh my goodness, I'm so dramatic even in my sleep!) Someone covered me with a blanket, and I remember waiting for an ambulance. Some people say Christianity is a crutch, but I've often thought -no. It's no crutch. It's a stretcher. People who can stand up and bear weight on their own with a crutch don't need a Savior. Christianity is for people who are flat on their backs and who can do nothing to help themselves except to whisper a weak, "God, help me." In Psalm 50:15 God says, "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me." Parenting, marriage, friendships, finances, getting out of bed in the morning -there are so many times when all I can do from a prone position is to call out to God as medic. He stands ready to rescue every time, on the field. My Hero.

1 comment:

  1. The picture you are painting in my mind this afternoon makes so much sense. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
