make another apology for thoughtless
words sent via technology, but the damage is done.
husband hugs me in the kitchen and tells me it’s going to be okay. Tells me if I wake up feeling sinful-yucky in
the night to snuggle up close and know he loves me. But even all that manly goodness can’t wash
the pain of sin from my heart.
I’m sinful and
weak, I
tell him.
We all are, he says. We all
trudge up the stairs to call it a night, but first I fall to my knees by the
bed. O God.
“What a wretched
man I am! Who will rescue me from this
body of death?” (Romans
7:24) Paul’s words. My words.
reach for my old Bible, gifted to me in 1988, to find this verse. To find comfort.
I open to the verse the page falls out.
I remember, Oh yes, that’s right. I’ve been here before. Struggling to control the sins that plague
“What a wretched man
I am! Who will rescue me from this body
of death? Thanks be to God –through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans
7:24-25 NIV)
read the words again, tuck them back in the Bible, and crawl into bed clutching
the Bible like a little girl snuggles a doll.
be to God –through Jesus. Jesus took
this sin of mine upon himself and paid the price for it.
you feel like I do? Asking, How am I here again? Struggling with sin? Listen, wear out Romans 7-8. Flip to those chapters often, every time you’ve blown
it. Finger those pages until they fall
out of your Bible, because those pages
have the
rescue on them. The thanks be to God –through Jesus Christ. You’re not alone, my friend. We all need those falling-out pages.
Pure goodness.