Tuesday, January 17, 2012

boot camp check-in!

Hey!  Several of you took me up on the challenge to do a 30-day boot camp this month.  Failures, successes -I'd love to hear from you.  Leave a comment below and let me know how you're doing.

My boot camp is to have the kitchen clean before bed every night, and I have accomplished that for 17 days in a row.  Woohoo!  A never-before seen act from this momma.  I was just in the kitchen cleaning up supper dishes, fantasizing about the day when my grandkids are like, "Grandma's kitchen is always so clean..."   

Yeah, well... 17 days is a start. 

We can do this!  If at first you don't succeed.  Try, try again.


  1. I was about to write that I've experienced complete success in my clean-kitchen-boot-camp experience, but then I glanced over the top of my computer screen to see a few dishes in the sink....oops. I've been MOSTLY successful and it feels great!

    1. Surely it doesn't count if we get the kitchen clean and some saboteur comes in with another dish!

  2. Me too...MOSTLY successful. I was thinking I had a clean sink this morning and looked over at the stove and realized I forgot to wash the pans over there...oh well. Like I told you, I am not striving for perfection in this area, but to do better than I currently had been. I have gotten dressed, bed made, and teeth brushed and gotten kids ready everyday though, except for the weekends. Woohoo!

    1. Getting yourself and three kids up and dressed every morning is a HUGE task that sets the tone for the rest of the day. I'm so proud of you!!! We could end up being responsible women yet! :)

    2. Thanks Christy! Proud of you too! I forgot to mention in my comment that one of the reasons the kitchen has been better is because Luke has been helping out in that department a lot lately...I am blessed to have such a great man!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 16 nights of clean kitchen, one night of not quite clean kitchen. Seems like I get it cleaned then someone puts something in the sink. Brent was asleep last night so I didn't want to bother him with the noise. But they are already clean now as well as the breakfast dishes. :) Now if I can just plan my meals to make the dirty dishes, I'll be on to something!

    (Repost note: Just had to correct the misspelled word!)

    1. You know, I've been horrible about cooking because my kitchen has always been such a mess. Last week I made cinnamon rolls, just for fun, because the kitchen was all clean and inviting. A clean kitchen will pave the way for making meals!

  5. So fun for me to read all these comments about clean kitchens! I was born a fanatical cleanning machine. Started making my own bed at 2, always kept my room clean and as I got older most of the house as well. Leave a dish in the sink? NO WAY! So my goal over the past 10 years or so has been to relax and not be so nutzo over the top about perfection and clenliness. My boot camp assignment was to start and faithfully attend a Yoga class once a week, so far, so good and the relaxation has been so very worth it!
