Monday, January 9, 2012

self control: Bob Harper

Our family loves to grab a piece of pizza or some cookies and watch The Biggest Loser, the weight loss reality show.  Last week was the first episode of the new season, and the well-known and successful trainer, Bob Harper, was laughing at how excited the contestants always are to see him at the beginning.  Then he gets them in the gym, and they are passing out, crying, and puking in buckets.  His presence at work in their lives soon brings them physical pain like they’ve never experienced. 

A good trainer knows sweat and pain are included in the fitness package. 

We want self control, but we would be wise to feel trepidation about entering into the process with God.  He wants us to get in shape, every muscle tone, heart pumping at maximum efficiency, because he has “good works… for us to do.”  (Ephesians 2:10).  Will we let God push us until it hurts, for the sake of the end result? 

No pain - no gain.


  1. We too watch this show regularly and I love to see the transformations take place, inside and out. I was thinking about my latest determination to lose weight and exercise more and had a little epiphany I would like to share with you. So my thoughts were focused on the phrase "fall off the wagon". I pictured a sweet little red wagon and when I want a trea or don't want to exercise, I can just step off the wagon, no big deal - if it's moving it's okay, because it's not too fast. But I find as I am walking along and want to start over with self control and get back on the wagon it is more like a freight train and I have to run to jump on board. It is a decision that will require perseverance and strength to accomplish, but that train will take me where I want to go so much faster than that wagon. I know God is the train conductor and wants me to strengthen myself through prayer, Bible study and persevere to stay on his train...

  2. Sorry for the typos it wouldn't let me correct or finish my thought.

    Here is the best part.. God allows the train to slow down and stop at stations to pick me up when I choose to get back on board!
