Friday, April 27, 2012

the end of the month

I was feelin’ a bit poor this week.  With my job cut, the end of the month is rushing up a bit faster than it used to.  There were a few empty shelves in the fridge.  Seemed like we were down to bare bones. 

Then I got on Facebook and took a few minutes to watch a video my friend had posted.  He leaves on a trip to Zimbabwe soon, and he put a few documentaries about Zimbabwe on line so we could get a feel for what he’s heading into. 

It’s a country being poorly run, and it has gone to a gold-only society.  No cash is accepted anymore, so people are literally panning for gold all day long, only to find enough to buy maybe a loaf of bread.  I watched little children standing in the mud with shovels. 

Old people who aren’t strong enough to dig and pan are dying. 

They interviewed one young teenage girl who had been horribly beaten up by her grandma –because they were starving. 

When did you eat last? the interviewer asked the young girl.  After a look of complete hopelessness, she spoke through a badly swollen mouth.  Three days ago. 

After watching that video, I made another trip to my kitchen and saw so much food.  Rice, flour, cereal, apples, peanut butter…  Food stored up. 

Colossians 3:15 says, “Be thankful.” 

I almost wept as I poured brown rice into the rice cooker for dinner last night.  Rice, beans, chicken, lentils, salsa.  Thanks to God for my wealth poured from my lips, which were not swollen from a beating. 

Are you in a tough spot?  Thankfulness changes everything.

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